So now that we have a couple of downstream services that are referencing a resource deployed in an upstream service; let’s look at how this dependency affects the way we deploy our app.

The short version is that:

  • When you introduce a new dependency in your app you cannot deploy all the services concurrently.
  • However, once these services have been deployed, you can do so.

First deployment

In our resources repo we are using SST to deploy our CDK app. CDK internally keeps track of the dependencies between stacks.

Our lib/index.js looks like this.

export default function main(app) {
  new DynamoDBStack(app, "dynamodb");

  const s3 = new S3Stack(app, "s3");

  new CognitoStack(app, "cognito", { bucketArn: s3.bucket.bucketArn });

Here CDK knows that the CognitoStack depends on the S3Stack. And it needs to wait for the S3Stack to complete first.

SST will deploy the stacks in our CDK app concurrently while ensuring that the dependencies are respected.

Next for the API repo for the first time, you have to:

  • Deploy the notes-api first. This will export the value dev-ExtApiGatewayRestApiId and dev-ExtApiGatewayRestApiRootResourceId.
  • Then deploy the billing-api next. This will export the value dev-ExtNotePurchasedTopicArn.
  • Then deploy the notify-job.

Assuming that you are deploying to the dev stage.

If you were to deploy billing-api and notify-job concurrently, the notify-job will fail with the following CloudFormation error:

notify-job - No export named dev-ExtNotePurchasedTopicArn found.

This error is basically saying that the ARN referenced in its serverless.yml does not exist. This makes sense because we haven’t created it yet!

Subsequent deployments

Once all the services have been successfully deployed, you can deploy them all concurrently. This is because the referenced ARN has already been created.

Adding new dependencies

Say you add a new SNS topic in billing-api service and you want the notify-job service to subscribe to that topic. The first deployment after the change, will again fail if all the services are deployed concurrently. You need to deploy the billing-api service first, and then deploy the notify-job service.

We are almost ready to deploy our extended notes app. But before we can do that, let’s configure our environments.

Deploying through a CI

If you are using a CI, you’ll need to deploy the above in phases. With Seed, we handle this using a concept of Deploy Phases.

Managing deployment in phases for api

For our api repo, the dependencies look like:

notes-api > billing-api > notify-job

To break it down in detail:

  • The billing-api service relies on the notes-api service for the API Gateway export.
  • The notify-job service relies on the billing-api service for the SNS Topic export.

That covers our section on organizing your serverless app. Next, let’s configure our environments.